Let’s start the movement

What is DigiMovements?

DigiMovements is a growing community of leaders committed to accelerating the multiplication of healthy, reproducing, gospel-centred communities in every digital space.

We equip movement makers with actionable principles, ideas, and solutions.
We are passionate about accelerating multiplication through movement makers!

Together with our partners we equip and serve leaders and teams to resource the local church on the topic of multiplication and to mobilise a young generation for church planting.

Subscribe to #digiFriday

Weekly thought-provoking ideas and best practices from practitioners in the field. We will share innovative tools that will equip people like you to creatively engage the lost, make disciples, plant faith communities, and raising up the next generation of leaders!

3 digital expressions of church

Digimovements is all about empowering disciples like you to be the church in every digital network. We have identified 3 digital expressions of church as below: 


Engaging people online and forming digital faith communities


A combination of physical and digital mission is = Phygital!


Entering the internet to engage the lost in new faith communities.

Launch a Network of like-minded digichampions

Wherever you are on your journey, we are ready to help you become a digichampion.


We will equip you with everything you need to launch a movement of churches in every digital network.

Learning community

Catalyzing learning communities for like-minded leaders in your country to accelerate church movements


Networking with other like minded leaders to sharpen mindset, skills, strategies and platforms 


Training practitioners on how to best apply digital principles and technology.